Let us rebuild

Let us rebuild!
We need courage, drive, plans, strategies, wisdom, faith, certainty to change our bleak situation!
In the Bible we find an account where Jerusalem was overwhelmed by the enemy, the walls were broken down and the gates burnt. Everyone saw it and passed by.
I guess they said to themselves, "Well, that's just the way it is."
Then Nehemiah appears, he also sees, but he says to the people: "You yourselves see the desolate situation (misfortune, evil, injustice, suffering) in which we are stuck. Jerusalem is a heap of ruins and the city gates are burnt. Come, let us rebuild the wall so that this disgrace (shame, humiliation, degradation) may be removed!" Then they said, "Yes, to work, let's build it up!"
And they set about preparing for the important undertaking with zeal. This is where the opponents came in and made fun of them, saying: "You have undertaken something big! A bit too big for you! Are you going to rebel against the king in the end?"
Nehemiah told them: The GOD of heaven will make it possible for us to succeed. We, His servants, will set to work and build the wall. But Jerusalem is none of your business, for you have no land here, nor any legal claim or right (Neh. 2,11-20).
We will not change anything with a "well, that's just the way it is" attitude. We need courage, drive, plans, strategies, wisdom, faith, certainty to change our bleak situation.
"Let us rebuild and put an end to our shame!" (Neh.2,17)
Who is in on it? And who joins in with the blasphemers who make fun?
Yes, it is a great enterprise! And: Yes, we are rebelling against the king!
The king is the god of this world: Satan (2.Cor.4,4)
And GOD is with us and it will succeed!